10 Feb 2020

Billy Allen TV

Racing Boat and Motor Evolution Explained

Larry Castagneto and Steve Noury team up to explain racing outboard runabout and hydro history and its evolution. With some of Steve’s collection of antique race boats and motors, from the 50’s to present day equipment, this is a great video that explores where we have been and where we are headed. A perfect video to interest new people who want to or are just coming into our sport and a fun video for all to watch and learn. View at https://vimeo.com/330594500 Thank you Steve and Larry.

Billy Allen Explains Hydroplane Racing 101

Watch Billy Allen promote Stock Outboard racing on the TV program Smart Boating. You can see the segment at https://smartboatingus.com/sbtv/198/ With Smart Boating’s host Paul Jermain and some on-water commentary by Steve Noury, Billy does an excellent job explaining the what, where and how of our world of hydroplane racing. Well done Billy!

Billy does it Again!

This time Bill explains the basics of our 2 stroke racing engines. This segment is at https://vimeo.com/317317308 Hopefully Bill hasn’t given away any of his speed secrets! Another well done Billy!
